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How We Help

So that cancer patients can focus on their treatment and recovery, the Bob Perks Cancer Assistance Fund (BPF) helps pay some basic living expenses for those who cannot, due to a loss in income or an increase in expenses related to their cancer diagnosis. We serve patients residing in Bedford, Blair, Centre, Clearfield, Huntingdon, Juniata & Mifflin counties. 

We assist cancer patients through an application process facilitated by healthcare professionals and referral sources who serve as members of the applicant’s treatment team. Applicants and referral sources work together to complete our application, which is forwarded to our Allocations Coordinator and then to our 10-member Allocations Committee, composed of Bob Perks Fund volunteers. While eligibility is not income-based, the Committee works quickly to review the applicant’s circumstances and make an informed decision regarding assistance. Once approved, creditors are paid directly by BPF; grocery and gas cards are distributed directly to the applicant.

Bob Perks PA_7_Counties_Map.jpg


In which Pennsylvania Counties do you provide assistance?

Applicants residing in the following counties are eligible for financial assistance: Bedford, Blair, Centre, Clearfield, Huntingdon, Juniata & Mifflin (regardless of where they receive treatment).


Is eligibility based on a certain level of income? No.

Applicants must attest to a member of their cancer treatment team and on their application that they have experienced either a decrease in income or an increase in expenses related to their cancer diagnosis.

Financial Assistance

What types of expenses are eligible for payment?

Eligible expenses include basic necessities such as rent, auto expenses, utilities, and groceries.


What expenses are NOT eligible for payment?

Mortgages, property taxes, credit card bills, hospital and doctor bills, and business expenses.


Can financial assistance be provided directly to the applicant?

No, all expense payments are made directly to the creditor or vendor providing the qualified services. Grocery and gas cards are distributed directly to the applicant.


What is the maximum amount of financial assistance available to an applicant?

Applicants can request up to $1,000 in assistance in a three-month period. There is a lifetime maximum.

How To Apply

Can a cancer patient apply directly to the Bob Perks Fund?

No, all applications must be completed and submitted through a “referral” who must be a member of the applicant’s cancer treatment team, i.e. patient navigator, social worker, nurse or physician.


Do copies of bills need to be included with the application?

Yes, since all payments are made directly to the creditor or vendor, copies of bills that are currently due must be submitted with the application.


How does a person making a referral request an application?

By email at: or phone at: 814-231-2692.


How does a referral source submit an application?

Applications with copies of bills can be faxed to: 814-273-8242 or emailed to

How does a cancer patient obtain a “referral?”

If you are being treated at:


  • Mount Nittany Health, call the Patient Navigation Department 814-234-6175.


  • Geisinger Scenery Park, call 814-231-4560


  • Geisinger Lewistown, call  717-363-9071 (option 2, then option 3)

  • Geisinger Danville, call 570-271-6263 (option 8, ask for Katie)


  • UPMC Hillman Altoona, call 814-889-6031 or 814-889-4931


  • Penn Highlands/Hahne Cancer Center Clearfield call 814-768-2132

  • Penn Highlands/Hahne Cancer Center DuBois, call 814-375-3536


  • Penn Highlands Huntingdon, call 814-643-8106

  • Penn Highlands Tyrone, call 814-683-1255 Ext. 2480

  • Penn Highlands State College, call 582-220-2157

  • Hershey Cancer Institute call 888-531-6585 (option 4)

  • UPMC Hillman Pittsburgh (Shadyside) call 412-864-6659

  • UPMC Hillman Pittsburg (downtown) call 412-864-6659

  • UPMC Magee Pittsburg call 412-641-1926

  • UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh 412-692-5339


Or you may call the Bob Perks Fund at 814-231-2692 and we will connect you with a referral source at your treatment center.

Cancer Patient Community Resources

Penn State Cancer Institute Support Groups:

  • Bladder Cancer - This group provides an opportunity to share cancer related experiences and provide encouragement, hope, education and emotional support to patients with bladder cancer and their families through formal meetings, personal contact and newsletters. For more information, please call the support group liaison at 717-531-3038, extension 285863 or email Theda Shaw, RN, MSN, Clinical Program Coordinator.

  • Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Transplant (BMT) - The BMT Support Group is designed to offer support, encouragement, information and resources regarding all aspects of the stem cell transplant process. The group is open to all Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Transplant patients, family members, caregivers, friends and donors. For more information, please call 717-531-0003, extension 281210.

  • Breast Cancer - We offer several support groups at the Penn State Breast Center, which includes Moving Forward, FORCE, and Pink Ribbon Program. Our support groups focus on support and educational needs of patients and families whose lives have been touched by breast cancer. For more information, please call 717-531-7492.

  • CLIMB Program Helps Children Cope - Children, like adults, can benefit from professionals who understand their needs, as well. CLIMB® is a free, four-week program designed to help children cope when someone they love has cancer by encouraging discussion and creativity. For more information, contact Nichole Cook or Lynn Fantom at 717-531-7492.

  • Head and Neck Cancer -  The support group meets every fourth Sunday of the month. For more information, call 717-531-8945 or e-mail Head and Neck Support Group.

  • Leukemia/Lymphoma Blood Cancer - Offers support and education for patients and family members dealing with blood cancers. The group allows an opportunity for participants to share experiences and enhance coping. For more information, call 610-276-3199.

  • Melanoma - Melanoma Support Group has been created to provide support to Stage 3 and 4 melanoma patients and their caregivers by sharing our experiences and practical information while providing encouragement, hope, networking, and educational opportunities. For more information, please contact Carol Mallon, MS, RN, AOCNS at 717-531-5784 or Mary Ellen Loser, BSN, RN, CPSN at 717-531-1657.

  • Prostate Cancer - This group helps patients, spouses, family members, and caregivers by providing encouragement, knowledge, and support during a prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment, as well as after treatment. The Prostate Cancer support group meets quarterly (January, April, July and October) on the second Monday of each month. For information, please call 717-531-5784.

Bedford County:
  • Bedford County Pink Ribbon Fund Support Group – Meets monthly at ProCare Fitness Center 125 Willow Grove Drive, Everett, PA 15537. The groups facilitator is Cindy Speck 571-230-6184 or email:

Blair County:
  • Cancer Bridges - From diagnosis through treatment and in transition to life beyond cancer, Cancer Bridges helps prevent and manage the emotional impact of the disease. 412-338-191 or website: Home - Cancer Bridges

Centre County:
  • Cancer Survivor Association – You become a survivor the moment you hear the words “you have cancer.” Our cancer support group is for all types of cancer. Caregivers, family members, and friends are also welcome to attend. Meetings are held monthly using a hybrid format both in person in conference room #1 at Mt. Nittany Medical Center Shaner Pavilion, and via Zoom at, usually at 11:30 am on the third Monday of each month. Cancer Survivors' Association home page or by phone at 814-237-2120. Cancer Survivor Association, Contact Linda Lochbaum 814-238-6220 They meet at 11:30 in Conference Room #1 MNMC – Shaner Pavilion in person and by way of Zoom at Website:

  • State College Breast Cancer Support Group Contact: Carol Hodes  Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6 pm in the community room at Stonebridge Senior Living on Bristol Ave

Clearfield County:
  • The Angel Project, Inc.  Email: They meet at Penn Highlands Clearfield in the First Floor Conference Room (ground floor). 814-768-2132

  • Breast Cancer Support Group, Penn Highlands- Hahne Regional Cancer Center DuBois, PA       814-375-4063 or General Cancer Support Services 814-375-3535

  • Cancer Bridges Contact: Wendy Myers, Senior Clinical Manager 412-338-1919. They meet in Johnstown, and Blair County residence can join by way of Zoom. There is also an in-person group starting in Blair County.

  • Ovarian Cancer Survivor Support Group 814-371-7207 – Meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 1:00 pm in DuBois at Valley Dairy

Huntingdon County:
  • Pink Ribbon Ladies - Breast Cancer Support – For more information call Annette Lloyd at 814-658-3527.

  • Pink Zone -Trish Fulvio -,

Mifflin County:
Juniata County:

            Pink Zone - Trish Fulvio -,

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